Lithuania, Associate Professor Dr. Simone Wünschmann
Book publication
Book of Nriagu J, Pacyna J, Szefer P, Markert B, Wünschmann S, Namiesnik J, 2012
Heavy Metals in the Environment
Flyer Heavy Metals in the Environment (2[...]
PDF-Dokument [647.8 KB]
Heavy Metals in the Environment
Flyer Heavy Metals in the Environment (2[...]
PDF-Dokument [647.8 KB]
Book publication
Bool of Fränzle S, Markert B, Wünschmann S (2012)
Fränzle-Markert-Wünschmann 2012.pdf
PDF-Dokument [428.7 KB]
Fränzle-Markert-Wünschmann 2012.pdf
PDF-Dokument [428.7 KB]
United Kingdom
The 13th International Conference of the Arab Academy of Sciences "Climate Change and Water-Energy-Nexus in the Arab Middle East”
Amman, Jordan, December 5-6, 2015
The conference is going to continue with the emphasis on the most important problems facing the Arab Middle East. Conferences until 2013 were focussed on water, energy and their intimate co-dependence. In 2014 the conference expanded its scope to include the important issue of Food Security and its strong connection with both water and energy. In 2015 the conference will further expand its scope by paying special attention to the role of climate change and how it is affecting the Energy-Food Water Nexus in general and especially in the Arab Middle East...