Greetings from Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Haber, Germany
The Environmental Institute of Scientific Networks (EISN-Institute) is dedicated to a transdisciplinary, international and interactive approach toward the technological diagnosis, relief and avoidance of anthropogenic burdens on the environment.
For this global approach more than 150 scientists from around the world, who are in command of highest specific knowledge, have linked together by a common homepage. In order to spread their knowledge into both the scientific community and the general public, a so-called “dialogic educational process” (DEP) connecting problem description and possible problem solution(s) has been outlined and is being initiated by EISN-Institute work.
The information given by the EISN-Institute participants will firstly present aspects of environmental diagnosis to estimate the kind, extent and reasons of the damages apparently inflicted on the environment, including eco- and human-toxicological research with emphasis on effects.
In a second (therapeutic) step suggestions are given for designing and implementing measures in environmental restoration with the direct aim of alleviating or reducing the environmental burdens or their very reasons applying appropriate technical means or devices.
A third, really big challenge – because it will involve predicting an uncertain future – is prophylactic work apt to prevent or to deviate possible environmental damages of the future, for example by opting for environmentally acceptable methods of production. For this aim, one must estimate the possible results, side- and after-effects or trade-offs of different alternative or competing technologies regarding both environment and society. This will effectively contribute to translate political ends – higher degree of sustainability, avoidance of hazards, dismissing certain technologies or chemicals – into practical measures and their application in advance.
EISN is giving scientific support for problem solutions in environmental engineering, bioindication / biomonitoring, instrumental analysis, phytoremediation, human- and ecotoxicological aspects, alternative energy use, ecomomic and social sciences.
In addition, relevant publications, lectures, fields of research and conferences will be communicated via the EISN-Institute homepage.
All participants of EISN-Institute are scientists who are fully convinced that their knowledge and experience can, and is to improve living conditions in society. They are eager to transfer their knowledge into public education and societal practice, favouring a transdisciplinary and interregional or international interplay to the benefit of all participants. Therefore, scientists, students and all persons who are interested in environmental matters or in specific topics of environmental science are invited to visit the EISN-Institute homepage and contact any of the scientists mentioned on it.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Haber
About 435 publications, incl. 4 books, and 12 editorships.
Honorary doctor degree in agricultural sciences, Hohenheim University. Einstein Prof. of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Recipient of 5 national awards and prizes, including the German Environment Prize (1993), the highest German award for lifetime achievements in environmental sciences.
1966-1994 Full Prof. (lifetime) of Landscape Ecology at the Technische Universität München (TUM, Munich University of Technology), School of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Ecology ("Landespflege") at the Weihenstephan Campus of TUM, Germany.
Teaching and research in general and landscape ecology, vegetation and ecosystem science, conservation biology, agro-ecology, and land use history.
1970 Co-founder of the Gesellschaft für Ökologie
(Ecological Society of the German-speaking countries).
1980-1989 President of the Gesellschaft für Ökologie
1972-1992 Member of the Advisory Committees for Nature Conservation
of both the State of Bavaria Government and the German
Federal Government.
1981-1990 Member, since 1985 Chairman of the German Federal Council of
Environmental Advisors and Editor of 5 important reports on the
state of the environment.
Since 1981 Member, 1992-2003 Speaker of the Deutscher Rat für
Landespflege (German Council of Land Use Management)
1990-1996 President of the International Association for Ecology (INTECOL),
Since 1996 Activities as ecological advisor and senior ecologist (also in
Switzerland and China), as environmental expert, author of
ecological articles and contributions to scientific publications and
meetings, supervisor of several PhD students.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Haber - Sustainable S[...]
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