Team member of EISN-Institute

Prof. Dr. Eun-Shik Kim


Department of Forestry Environment, and Systems, College of Forest Science, Kookmin University, Soul, Korea


1991 - Present: Prof. in Ecology and Dendrology, Kookmin University

2007 - 2009: Director, Institute of Forest Science, Kookmin University

2006 - 2008: Dean, Sungkok Memorial Library, Kookmin University

2005 - 2006: Visiting Prof., Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

2003 - 2005: Dean, College of Forest Science, Kookmin University


Major Professional Activities (reduced selection of activities)

2011 - Present: President, the Korea Ecological Observatory Network (KEON)

2011 - Present: Vice President, the Korea Association of Biological Sciences (KABS)

2010 - Present: President, the East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies (EAFES) (2010 - 2012)

2009 - 2010: President, the Ecological Society of Korea

2008 - Present: Chair, the International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) East Asia-Pacific Regional Network (2008 – 2012)


Major Fields of Interest in Ecology

Ecosystem Ecology;

Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER);

Networking Ecological Observatories;

Conservation and Restoration of Degraded Ecosystems;

Global Ecology including Climate Change Adaptation;

Dendroecology in Tree Growth and Environmental Changes


Team members

Prof. Dr. Bernd Markert

Dr. SimoneWünschmann

Prof. Dr. Edita BALTRĖNAITĖ-GEDIENĖ Lithuania

Prof. Dr. Eun-Shik Kim, South Korea

Prof. Dr. Silvia De Marco, Argentina

Prof. Dr. Marinus Otte, USA

Dr. Meie Wang, China

Dr. Benno Böer, Ethiopia