Associations / Societies
INTECOL International Association for Ecology
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INTECOL meets every four years at an international congress of ecology hosted by a member national society. In addition we organize major International Wetlands Conferences and co-sponsor EcoSummits in years between congresses. We also work closely with groups such as the international Long-Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER) and the International Network of Next Generation Ecologists (INNGE).
Board (2017-2021):
President: Eun-Shik Kim (KR)
Past President: Shona Myers (NZ)
Secretary General: Alice Hughes (CN)
Treasurer: Jos Verhoeven (NL)
Bulletin Editor: Sun-Kee Hong (KR)
Working Groups Advisory Committee, chair: Bernd Markert (DE)
Board Members
Aurelie Boissezon, CH
Alan Covich, USA
Bojie Fu, CN
Nalaka Geekiyanage, LK
Sun-Kee Hong, KR
Alice Hughes, CN
Bastiaan W. Ibelings, CH
Grace John, UK
Eun-Shik Kim, KR
Jon Lee, UK
Shirong Liu, CN
Sandra Luque, FR
Azim Mallik, CA
Bernd Markert, DE
Akira Miyawaki, JP
Shona Myers, NZ
Shin-ichi Nakano, JP
Andrew Nigel, AU
Rebecca Sharitz, USA
Eugene Turner, USA
Jos Verhoeven, NL
Rachel White, UK
Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution
Biomonitoring involves measurement of chemicals in biological matrices including human tissues. It has been shown to be an excellent approach to quantify the exposure to a wide range of chemicals. Biomonitoring studies routinely revealed novel, and sometimes surprising, information about the accumulation of chemicals in living receptors.
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