Publications - Journals (2010-2018)
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Rinklebe J, Fränzle S, Ammari T (2018) The Biological System of the
Chemical Elements (BSCE) - The Role of Lithium for Mental Health Care. Bioactive
Compounds in Health and Disease, 2018, 1(1): 1-15.
Markert B, Fränzle S. Wünschmann S, Menke-Glückert P (2017) Emerging Pollutants in the
Global Change Scenario, in: Arias A. Marcovecchio J Marine Pollution and Climate
Change. Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.
Markert B, Delakowitz B, Fraenzle S, Wünschmann S (2017) Quality means decency - On the
quality of teaching (analytical) chemistry through accreditation of the course?
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR), V 24, I 13, pp.
Diatta J, Chudzinska E, Drobek L, Wojcicka-Poltorak A, Markert B, Wünschmann S (2016)
Multiple-Phase Evaluation of Copper Geochemistry. In: Sherameti J, Varma A (eds.)
Monitoring and Remediation. Springer, in press.
Fargašová A, Markert B, Mičieta K (2016) Chromium and Nickel Phytotoxicity and Genotoxicity.
In: Öztürk et al. (eds.) Phytoremediation for green plants. Springer, Dordrecht, Chapter 4, in press.
Markert B, Fargasová A, Fraenzle S, Wünschmann S (2016) Integration of different bioindication methods (for chemical elements) - The Multi-Markered-Bioindication-Concept (MMBC). In: Öztürk et al. (eds.) Phytoremediation for green plants. Springer, Dordrecht, Chapter 6, in press.
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Gorelova S, Frontasyeva M (2016) Биоиндикаторы и биомониторы: определение, стратегии и применение. Использование древесных растений для биомониторинга и биоиндикации окружающей среды; Russian Language, submitted.
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Youssef Abd Allah Ibrahim N (2016) المراقبةالبيئيةالمبتكرةالمؤشراتوالرواصدالحيوية : التعاريفوالاستراتيجياتوالتطبيقاتبيرندماركرتأ،بسيمونيفنشومان،جأحمدعليالخطيب ،دنجلاءيوسف ; Arabic Language, in prep.
Wang M, Peng C, Chen W, Ouyang Z, Markert B (2016) Ecosystem risks of polycyclic musk’s HHCB and AHTN in soils irrigated with reclaimed municipal wastewater; in prep.
Wang M, Faber J, Chen W, Markert B (2016) Effects of land use intensity on the natural
attenuation capacity of urban soils in Beijing, China; submitted.
Wang M, Liu R, Chen W, Peng C, Markert B (2016) Effects of urbanization on heavy metal
accumulation in surface soils, Beihing, submitted.
Markert B, Baltrėnaitė E, Chudzińska E, De Marco S, Diatta J, Ghaffari Z, Gorelova S,
Marcovecchio J, Tabors G, Wang M, Yousef N, Fraenzle S, Wünschmann S (2014) Multilingual education of students on a global scale and perspective – international networking on the example of bioindication and biomonitoring (B & B technologies). ESPR, Springer, DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-2132-9.
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Tabors G (2014) Inovatīvie vides novērtējumi. Bioindikatori un
biomonitoringi: definīcijas, stratēģijas un programmas (Innovative Observation of the Environment: Bioindicators and Biomonitors: Definitions, Strategies and Applications). LATVIJAS UNIVERSITĀTES RAKSTI. 2013, 791. sēj. ZEMES UN VIDES ZINĀTNES, Latvia Language, 17-49. lpp.
Markert B, Wuenschmann S, Baydoun E, Janajreh I, Murad S (2014) Report of the International
Conference on Water-Energy Nexus and Waste Treatment for a Sustainable Arab World. International Association of Ecology, Vol. 7, No. 4, 6-7.
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Baltrėnaitė E, Chudzińska E, De Marco S, Diatta J, Ghaffari Z,
Gorelova S, Marcovecchio J, Tabors G, Yousef N, Wang M, Fraenzle S, Kumari A
(2014) International, transdisciplinary and intercultural cooperation in
bioindication and biomonitoring studies (B&B technologies) – with specific
consideration of plant organisms and chemical elements. Journal of Thermal &
Environmental Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1, 17-26.
Youssef N, Markert B, Gurbanov E, Sevnic H, Wünschmann S (2014) Bioindication of Trace
Metal Pollution in the Atmosphere of Baku City using Ligustrum Japonicum, Olea
Europaea and Pyracantha Coccinea Leaves. Journal of Environmental Engineering
and Landscape Management, Vol. 22(1): 14-20.
Angeli JLF, Trevizani TH, Portella Ribeiro A, Machado EC, Figueira RCL, Markert B, Fraenzle
S, Wünschmann S (2013) Arsenic and other Trace Elements in two Catfish Species from Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, Paraná, Brazil. EMAS, 185: 8333-8342.
Markert B, Wang, M, Wünschmann S, Chen W (2013) 生态环境生物指示与生物监测技术研究进展 (Bioindicators and Biomonitors in Environmental Quality Assessment). Acta Ecologica Sinica, Elsevier China, Chinese (Mandarin) Language, Vol. 33, No 1, 33-44.
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Ghaffari Z (2013) شاخص¬هاوفرانگرهایزیستی: تعاریف،راهبردهاوکاربردهابرندمارکرتوسیمونووشمن; Persian Language. Journal of Environmental Management and Planning, Vol. 2, No. 95-110.
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Fränzle S, Delakowitz B (2013) Alternative energy sources, dwindling fossil resources and nuclear opt-out: a joint challenge and chance for re-shaping industrial societies. In Encyclopedia of Environmental Management; S.E. Jorgensen, ed. Taylor & Francis: New York, 2013; Vol. I, 193–215.
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Marcovecchio J y De Marco S (2013) Bioindicadores y Biomonitores: Definiciones, Estrategias y Aplicaciones. In: Procesos Químicos en Estuarios (2013) J.Marcovecchio & R.H. Freije (eds); 256-269, Spanish Language.
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Fränzle S, Figueiredo AMG, Van der Meer A, Wolterbeek B (2013) Thallium distribution in plants. In: Kretsinger R, Permyakov E, Uversky V (eds.) Encyclopedia of Metalloproteins. Springer, New York; 2188-2193.
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Baltrėnaitė E (2012) APLINKOS STEBĖJIMO NAUJOVĖS. BIOINDIKATORIAI IR BIOMONITORIAI:APIBRĖŽTYS, STRATEGIJOS IR TAIKYMAS. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, Lithuanian Language, 20:3, 221-239.
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Diatta J.B., Chudzińska E (2012) Innowacyjna Obserwacja Środowiska: Bioindykatory i Biomonitory: Definicje, Strategie i Zastosowania. Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Polish Language, No. 53, 115-152.
Ribeiro AP, Figueiredo AMG, Sarkis JES, Hortellani MA, Markert B (2012) Pt, Pd and Rh Levels in soils of São Paulo City, Brazil: Assessment of automobile catalytic converter pollution. EMAS, DOI 10.1007/s10661-011-2506-8.
Wang M, Markert B, Chen W, Peng C, Ouyang Z (2012) Identification of heavy metal pollutants using multivariate analysis and effects of land uses on their accumulation in urban soils in Beijing, China. EMAS, V. 184, No. 10, 5889-5897.
Figueiredo A, Enzweiler J, Camargo1 SP, Sígolo JB, Ribeiro AB, Milian FM, Markert B (2011) Potentially toxic elements in urban park soils from São Paulo, Brazil. EMAS, submitted.
Markert B, Visoottiviseth P, Thongsri T (2011) Resilient scientists of Thailand defy dramatic floods. An INTECOL report on the 37th Congress of Science and Technology (STT 37) in Thailand, Bangkok with special reference to the session of "Environmental Science and Technology". INTECOL-Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 4, 3-4.
Markert B, Wünschmann S (2011) Bioindicators and Biomonitors: Use of organisms to observe the influence of chemicals on the environment. In: Schroeder P & Collins C, eds., Organic Xenobiotics and Plants: Action and Ecophysiology. Springer, 217-236.
Markert B, Wuenschmann S, Fraenzle S, Figueiredo A, Ribeiro AP, Wang M (2011) Bioindication of trace metals – with special reference to megacities. Environmental Pollution, 159, 1991-1995.
Markert B (2011) Inorganic contaminants occurance and significance of chemical elements with special reference to plants. Phytotechnologies Solutions for Sustainable Land Management. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems.
Wang M, Markert B , Shen S, Chen W, Peng C, Ouyang Z (2011) Microbial Biomass Carbon and Enzyme Activities of Urban Soils in Beijing. Envin Sci Pollut Res (ESRR) Springer, 18:958-67.
Haber W, Schroeder W, Markert B (2010) In Memoriam Prof. Dr. Otto Fränzle. Ein anekdotisches Kaleidoskop. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoffforschung 22:80, -83.
Klos A, Rajfur M, Waclawek M, Waclawek W, Wünschmann S, Markert B (2010) Quantitative relation between different concentrations of micro- and macroelements in mosses and lichens – The region of Opole (Poland) as an environmental interface in between Eastern and Western Europe. Int. J. Environment and Health, Vol. 4, Nos.2/3, 98-119.
Markert B (2010) Liebe als (aus) Prinzip. In: Markert B & Amarque T (Hrsg.) Was ist Liebe? Eine integrale Anthologie über die Facetten der Liebe. Phänomen-Verlag, Hamburg, 83-98.
Markert B, Wünschmann S, Herzig R, Quevauviller P (2010) Bioindicateurs et biomoniteurs : Définitions, stratégies et applications. TechIng Paris, P4 170:1-16.
Prasad MNV, Freitas H, Markert B, Fränzle S, Wünschmann S (2010) Knowledge explosion in phytotechnologies for environmental solutions. Enviornmental Pollution 158, 18-23.
Wang M, Chen W, Markert B (2010) Effects of Soil Quality on fates of chlorimuron-ethyl in agricultural soils. Agrochimica, Vol LIV-N4, 245-256.